Sunday, March 30, 2008
Young girl don’t cry I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall Young girl it’s alright Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems No one ever wants or bothers to explain Of the heartache life can bring and what it means When there’s no one else, look inside yourself Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within Young girl don’t hide You’ll never change if you just run away Young girl just hold tight Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid No one reaches out a hand for you to hold When you look outside look inside to your soul Life is a journey It can take you anywhere you choose to go As long as you’re learning You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know (be strong) You’ll break it (hold on) You’ll make it Just don’t forsake it because No one can tell you what you can’t do No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you Young girl don’t cry I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
5:27 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I feel so.... sedated.
Like I've been drained of so many things until I'm left standing alone.
Kind of an ironic post title though.
8:46 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
You with the sad eyes don't be discouraged oh I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people you can lose sight of it all and the darkness inside you can make you fell so small But I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Ooh ooh, yeah Can you hear my voice, do you hear my song It's a seranade, so your heart can find me, ohh And suddenly you're flying down the stairs Into my arms, baby, ohh
11:11 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
"I just feel kinda traumatized..."
"I understand the tears for a minute, so decide or not whether you're gonna own it"
"I'm gonna own it... I'm a rocker"
10:19 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Well the past week has been very... varied.
It was like an emotional roller coaster when we all got back our results on Thursday but I became high after doing the skit. Narindar was saying about how SRJC and YJC did so incredibly well for History. She mentioned how we always thought we were above them in terms history results but now they surpassed us.
Ironic that we're now far behind.
Then everyone got all emo cos of our absolutely hideous and gross results. It was like someone came and yelled in our faces "You're going to screw your A levels AND your future! Give up!"
I'm not really demoralized. Maybe it's because I'm inherently proud or something. But I guess after the whole pre-CHMA saga a few years back, I've kinda learned to know which kinds of criticism to take in and which ones to totally ignore. Also learned how to take criticism properly.
You must never look criticism in the eye and be afraid of it.
After all, we're all humans and we are never sure of what is the truth and what is a lie. We are limited and in a sense crippled and confined within the boundaries of our 5 senses. "Perception is reality" - sometimes people, even people like me, only believe things that can be perceived.
If we know that we're in the wrong, then we have to have the courage to accept it and move on. I have found it hard to do that many times. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is to move on with our lives and become better human beings.
Well now it's time to stop playing and start studying. I have to go and find out what has went wrong with my essay, correct it, and try my best.
Even if I do not get the desired grades, I have to make sure that I do not ever look back on my J2 year and feel that I have not tried.
"Gotta step up the game, step up the game."
Well anyway, I really have to say that I'm very thankful for my wonderful class T4.
I think without my wonderful friends there to keep me going in school I wouldn't know what to do. They brighten my day, and they are the only positive thing about school. I love and appreciate all of you very much! :)
After all that has been said and done, I still want to live my life properly and not mug my life away.
I must establish my motto in life!
"Live everyday to its fullest and be the best person that you can! Appreciate everyone around you everyday and never think ill of your loved ones."
I truly believe in living life to it's fullest because you never know when it's going to end.
I've always wanted to do crazy things but never really so called dared to cos half the time I was afraid of what people would think of me.
But I think I've changed that this year :P
At the end of the day I think that if you maintain a positive attitude to life you will end up being a happier person. I never want to be a depressed person cos I just loathe it.
*Shania Twain's "Up!" plays.
I really like that song. I think the lyrics are so inspiring and they really help me to maintain that positive attitude.
"You just gotta learn to have a laugh"
"Up up up can only go up from here!"
HAHAHAHA omg it was so hysterical and I couldn't stop laughing after that. It was like the post painful yet hilarious moment of the day cos I must have looked absolutely ridiculous when I fell.
At first my right foot slipped, then I tried to use my left foot to save myself, but because it was a downward slope and it was raining, I couldn't and ended up sliding simultaneously on both feet and landing on my butt! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just glad I didn't hit my head or something much more painful.
Anyway, I just came back from a busy day with the usual crazy people.
And omg History Night is going to be freaking hilarious.
The crazy ideas..
oh the crazy ideas....
Moving on...
I can't waste time so give it a momentI realize, nothing's brokenNo need to worry 'bout everything I've doneLive every second like it was my last oneDon't look back at a new directionI loved you once, needed protectionYou're still a part of everything I doYou're on my heart just like a tattoo
12:56 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yup here it is!!
I got sick of that terribly depressing blogskin so...
It's to herald my new approach to life!
7:54 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
From now on I resolve to have a positive attitude to life.
Because I don't ever want to end up being depressed.
I believe that if you face everything with a positive attitude, you'll end up a happier person :)
Btw that was what my last post was referring to.
I like this picture because it is better than all the other pictures that I've taken - Natasha Galkina
10:30 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
"Have you noticed the way people play games? We speak to each other but only with out lips, seldom with our hearts!...This game that people play would be funny if it weren't so true! But when it comes right down to where you live, it often hurts!...Isn't that some spectacle? People consumed by their own thoughts! It would be easy for me to get bogged-down with my thoughts too! But where would that get me? I want my thoughts to lift me
up! Not weigh me
down! I've found that it's a lot healthier and happier to think about the things I've
got instead of the things I
haven't got! And if I hang in there with a smile on my face, maybe he'll notice me some day! Let me share this deep thought with you, pal... We're not all what we think we are... But what we think, we are."
It’s ’bout as bad as it could be Seems everybody’s buggin’ me Like nothing wants to go my way-- Yeah, it just ain’t been my day Nothin’s comin’ easily Even my skin is acting weird I wish that I could grow a beard Then I could cover up my spots Not play connect the dots I just wanna disappear Up--up--up-- Can only go up from here Up--up--up--up Where the clouds gonna clear Up--up--up-- There’s no way but up from here Even something as simple as Forgettin’ to fill up on gas There ain’t no explanation why-- Things like that can make you cry Just gotta learn to have a laugh Oh yeah, yeah, yeah... When everything is goin’ wrong Don’t worry, it won’t last for long Yeah, it’s all gonna come around Don’t go let it get you down You gotta keep on holding on It’s ’bout as bad as it could be Seems everybody’s buggin’ me Like nothing want to go my way-- Yeah, it just ain’t been my day Nothin’s comin’ easily Oh-- I’m going up Oh yeah, yeah, yeah... My goal.
10:34 PM
It's been a horrible day today. I've just got so much on my mind right now it's just completely insane. Doesn't really help that I was dead tired and was still in pain from the shingles.
I already had a feeling that this year was going to be a turbulent year but I guess all these stuff + the A levels confirms it.
And I know I'm not an emo person!
Feeling so frustrated now cos there're so many things that are happening that I can't change and I can't do anything about.
Just sucks big time.
Help me Lord.
Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness
make thy way plain before my face.
For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord only,
that makest me dwell in safety.
6:23 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Day 6 of shingles
Hurts like (^#(&@#^(@&# even though it's healing.
Oh well at least it'll go away soon..
Feeling a little dizzy now.
Thanks a lot, kai heng. Really appreciate it :)
1:47 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008

9:29 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I'm officially stricken with shingles.
Totally crappy....
Oh and 10,000 B.C is like the worst movie I've watched this year.
11:44 PM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Lit was like, crap.
History was like, crappier.
Econs will probably be the crappiest.
AAAUGHH common tests SUCK!
9:58 PM
"Give me children, or else I die."
I'm just going through some last minute stuff on Handmaid's Tale so I'll just do my revision here.
I guess the Handmaid's tale does have lots of interesting stuff inside.
Freedom from the control and constraints of society.Oppression.Escape.Life.Death.So many things that are so relevant to today's world. Of course I don't believe in all of Margaret Atwood's cynical portrayals of Christianity, but despite all that there's still stuff inside that does apply.
Cheryl: Ooh Margaret Atwood! Many layers of meaning!Hahahaha.
10:05 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Yay I'm so proud of myself.
I actually studied today! :)
And quite a lot too.
I met up with Mel to study at Bishan. We basically talked a lot of crap but still managed to study a lot.
Hilarious moment:
Mel: I think they should put History on the first day.
Me: Haaa. But why? I want more time to study.
Mel: Actually I think right, if they put it on Monday we can-
Hahaha ok u have to be there to know why it's so funny.
Anyway, we met Yi Jiang along the way and he joined us to study for the damned CTs.
Hahahahaha Yi Jiang, there are still others out there! :P
Hai, I really hope I can pull through these CTs.
Maybe I can start by sleeping early.
Like now.
10:42 PM