Thursday, August 23, 2007
I think i'll go on a blogging hiatus till after promos.
Yup, so be sure to come back probably after the first week of october.
Until then.
7:34 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I'm so tired... I just want to sleep...
Just sleep and forget about promos...
8:03 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hot scandal pic of the day!

Sorry Corinne, I just have to! Haha...
8:02 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Out of absolute boredom, i tried fiddling with photoshop and got some hilarious results.
This is a pic of my extended family. Notice the stark differences between this pic and the rest.


11:26 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Aurgh... I didn't like my audition perf today. I think I didn't give it my all.. Damn... Aurghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ah well, what's done is done. I guess I should have been more prepared.
I've heard from Mel and Choy about the self righteous scumbag who condemns everyone just because they don't see things his way. What an asshole. Continue like that and you'll never get any respect from anyone (not saying that anyone gives you any of that now anyway). Stupid fool...
I'm kinda pissed off at that person now, so it's a bit difficult to blog.
Till tomorrow then.
8:35 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
And I don’t know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me
9:56 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates. Didn't really feel like blogging for the past few days somehow.
Hmmm well the latest thing now is that I have this disgusting wisdom tooth (or teeth), and it's hurting like mad. I'm going to see the dentist tomorrow but I'm afraid that it will affect my audition on Thursday for teacher's day. I hope Zen and I will be able to make it through. According to Daryl (some council guy), the performance has to be teacher's day orientated. Anyone has any ideas on how to make "The Scientist" relevant to Teacher's Day? Haha...
Hmm my friends and I want to go overseas again this year. However, we probably won't go to Australia again, depending on things. I want to go to the US! Haha yea and according to Colin, they now have commercial flights to the US. Colin and Martin want to go to NZ to bungee jump, but I've been to NZ and it's not that fun. Kinda boring except for the farms.
Farm stays are one of the best parts about going overseas. The farms are really fun places to stay. I've stayed at farms in NZ and AU, and they were truly the highlights of the vacations. I'm pretty excited about the trip, so hopefully we CAN go for it.
Oh and my cute nephew (or whatever you call your cousin's son) has come to stay with us for a few months! He's only less than a year old!

Yes, the food post will be postponed again because I am too lazy to do it now.
Oh and today after eating lunch at J8, Mel and I saw this biscuit display thing. It's pretty cool. Here're the pics.

School's fast becoming a drag. The lessons.. the homework... aurhhghghghghgh.
I don't want to retain.. I'll die....Well I'm currently chatting with Matt about environment issues. It seems we're running out of oil reserves, and the global temperature is fast rising. Yes, I can just go and hug a tree now cos i'm such an environmentalist.
Save the trees! We're all going to drown in an abyss of our own pollution! (According to dear Margaret Atwood)
Then we'll probably start having handmaids. Walking wombs as they call it.
My next skin will probably be something about the environment, so watch out for that.
It's too late to apologize...Scream
9:34 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well it's the national day holidays... I'll just postpone my food post till next time. Lol.
I slept from 6pm yesterday to 9am today. Yea.. Cos I had this terrible terrible headache after leaving from Luo Er's house after doing the project. I felt so dizzy and woozy so i went straight to bed. Slept through dinner.
Aurgghh there's so much to do this weekend. Auughhh
Ah well, just have to complete everything and go give tuition tomorrow.
Short post for now...
6:57 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Aurgghhhh I'm sick... Or rather, going to be sick.
Damn it! Why didn't I fall sick during school days???? Now my long holiday is going to be real sucky. AAAAH!
9:57 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wooohoo! Another blog revamp. Yup, it's quite obvious where i got the idea for the theme from.
Enjoy! And as usual, don't turn off the music! Haha
10:50 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
I've been eating a lot lately. I seem to be extremely hungry all the time. I just finished my dinner and i felt hungry after that so i ate a toasted English muffin spread with Kaya. Woot. Pure deliciousness.
Food. Glorious food!Food. Our sustenance. One of the simple pleasures of life. Something that we take for granted because it is so easily accessible to us.
The next few posts are going to be dedicated to.. Food! Woohoo!
As always,
Chinese Food!
Mom has always said that Chinese food is the best type of food in the world.
Porridge! A classic Chinese breakfast. Add in a few ingredients, and you've got a meal!

Ah... Rice.. The staple. Almost every household in Singapore lives off this. Some like it grainy, some like it mushy. I prefer the mushy one. Somehow my parents seem to prefer the grainy one so i just eat grainy rice.

Just some dishes that go with rice.. Meat and fried vegetables. Sambal!! Woot! :)
Of course, for variety, you could eat this scrumptious meal. Dim Sum. Absolutely fantastic. Rather healthy too. Steamed.

Lovely isn't it?
And for dessert... The classic...

Tang Yuan! One of the most delicious desserts in the world. Just bite into the soft skin and feel the filling oozing out into your mouth. Yuuuum!
Hope you have all enjoyed this post! Now let's go pig out, fatties! Haha...
8:31 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Must.... study... for... econs... test...
4:53 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
Three months and I'm still breathing
Three months and I still remember itPicked all my weeds but kept the flowerOk I think I'll just announce it.
I'm going to be auditioning with Zen and maybe Mel for Teacher's Day! Haha... yup and we're probably going to do "Broken" by Seether. It's kinda weird cos I'll be singing all the parts, including Amy's.. The song's very typical me right? Haha...
3:46 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I had a strange, peculiar dream last night. Only some people will know what I'm referring to.
I woke up feeling very strange. Very unsure and confused.
A reflection of my hidden emotions?Right in front of you..."Don't you know it?"
10:12 PM