Fell down during school today and injured both knees. Someone left a brick-like thing at the foot of the grand steps. I tripped on it on the way down and scraped one knee and shin and injured both. Had to limp for the rest of the day. Still limping a little now. I think the embarrassment from falling down was worse than the pain. Lol. Anyway, being the great class that T3 is, they all helped me out by bringing my stuff and helping me to the faucet to wash my wound. I hope I will be able to walk normally tomorrow.
Luckily Jasmine Tan's now my Lit paper 4 tutor. She's a good teacher. Better than Mrs Sng.
Oh and we presented our GP project today! Haha... I really enjoyed presenting it. Very fun seeing the whole class enjoying the music and laughing at the hilarious stuff on our slides. Like when Gabriel was presenting the types of fashion, and when it came to the "B***h/S**T" part, damn funny.... I hope Damo will give us a good grade.
Aurgh got choir tomorrow, and I don't even know the song very well. I HATE BEING IN BASS.
Oh and today's ethics lesson was like a philosophy lesson. We were asked to answer questions like "Who Am I?" and all that. Lol I think Fahy doesn't really like that Mr. Tan.
O level results coming out in a week! AURGH!!!!!
Well... nothing else to really blog about. This will be a short post then.
7:48 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
Today went by rather quickly. Had a bunch of lectures and tutorials and ended off with PE. For the first time, I didn't walk throughout the entire 2.4 lol. Still I didn't pass. Hai. Nvm I'll pass soon.
I spent almost the entire day yesterday doing my GP project. I'm suppose to do the music part of our project on youth culture and Gab was suppose to do the Fashion part. I hope our presentation will be as interesting and entertaining as Luo Er and Michele's.
I really don't know whether I should stay on in CJ. The big thing is that Gab is going to Poly, so I WON'T have anyone to chat like crazy with. School will be so boring....
Conductor: Ok, first sing me Happy Birthday
Me: (sings) Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to.....Samuel. Happy Birthday to you!!
Conductor: Very good. Now lets try scales
Me: (sings scales)
Conductor: Uh uh... it's (sings classically) Fa not faaaa
Me: (tries to sing classically) Fa
Conductor: Fa
Me: Fa
Conductor: Fa
Me: Fa
Conductor: (shakes head) Never mind, let's try again.
*cycle repeats
Conductor: Ok, I'll put you in Bass 1.
Me: Er... Can I try Tenor?
Conductor: No.
Me: Why?
Conductor: You aren't trained classically yet. You can sing tenor, but if i put you there, you will be the only one singing pop style. Bass will be more suitable.
Me: But it's too low.
Conductor: No, you can.
Me: -_-"
Yah, that's how it went. I can't believe that conductor put me in bass. Aurgh, and to think my ex-vocal coach Jacintha told me I was a "warm tenor". Classical singing is sooo different from jazz or pop singing. I will stay in choir till I collect my results. If I remain in CJ, I don't think I will want to remain in choir. I think the classical way of singing will affect my usual style of singing. Better not risk it.
School was kinda fun today. We had this potluck thing where everyone was suppose to bring some food. I TOTALLY FORGOT and didn't bring anything. So embarrassing. Luckily I went to the canteen and bought some stuff. Charlene's so hilarious. She came to our table and we told her to have some food cos there was really a lot. She just stacked up some food and brought it back to her class. Damn funny... The way she did it was just hilarous...
Well I'm currently waiting for Gab to send me the GP project.
8:58 PM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Strangely, I'm starting to find PE quite fun. It's fun cos we have PE as a class, and not crappy mass PE. Tuesday's PE was tiring but fun.
We did the GST - Grand Stand Torture. Strangely, Although I did so much more than the last time, I didn't feel as tired. In fact, it was quite a big difference. I guess it's cos we did it as a class, helping one another and stuff. I did 29! It's quite funny actually. By the time I got to about 20, I was breathing so much, I felt kinda high. Lol. Yeah, I felt very light headed, a little giddy, and a strange sense of happiness. So weird right. The "high-ness" only went away on the way home cos PE was the last period. I started finding everything that people said very very funny and started laughing for no reason during the GST. I thought I was going insane. We were suppose to stop at the second last time on the way down and hop down to the floor together, shouting the number that we were at.
It was like,
Me: "Keep going keep going. You're not tired, you're not tired." *walks down
Gabriel: *says something not really meant to be funny
Me: (softly) hee hee... *walks up again
And it kept going like that. I laughed at almost everything that the people around me said. I was like this mad, laughing person.
I thought that I would ache like crazy the next day, but I didn't! Probably cos I fell ill. Lol. Yeah, I got this stupid cold that quickly went away after I got proper rest. So I didn't go to sch on Wednesday. I spent the day resting and stuff.
Today we had PE again. At first, we were quite happy when Isaac Lim told us that we were not doing fitness and conditioning. However, our spirits quickly fell when he informed us that we would be going through the drain instead.
The drain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The worst part about it was the cobwebs and my shoes getting wet. We trudged through the drain, crouching and trying to avoid the water. It was smelly and dirty and cramped, but we survived. We were then told to go up the ladder and climb this very steep & muddy hill. I failed the first 2 times but then managed my way up. Poor Jason was struggling to climb up while we all cheered him on. He finally made it without any of our help. Woohoo! Oh yeah, our hairs were all covered in cobweb and had to pluck it all out.
Yeah that's all for the PE part of school. Quite a good experience.
I've decided to join choir! Haha... Yeah. At first I didn't want to cos Jason told me it's very demanding and stuff, world class and all. I messaged the pres and she told me the practice times. It seemed quite managable, wed and friday. I was hoping that there wouldn't be any practice on Saturday cos of cell group and stuff. Luckily she said that there would be practices on Monday and not Saturday during the SYF period. I thought might as well go into choir since I love singing and all... I just hope that I won't let the choir style be my permanent way of singing.
Oh and I was using the com yesterday, and this beautiful butterfly flew in. I thought nothing of it, except take a pic, and went back to using the com. After a while, I heard something drop. I looked on the floor and saw the butterfly. It was like, on the verge of dying. I picked it up with a pair of tweezers and took another pic of it. Lol. Poor thing. It was still moving. I didn't know whether to kill it to end it's suffering or let it be. Even if I had to kill it, I didn't know how. Smashing it would be too brutal. So I showed it to Janet, who put it in the garden.
I recived a letter from Clara, my cousin from "Down Under"(Australia). Yup, I'm looking forward to her and Ai Mui Jie coming back for CNY. She always has interesting things to share. I must write back to her.
Aurgh!! The results are going to be released in the 2nd wk of Feb!!!! Nooo!!!! Damn scary!! I really don't look forward to it. I hate the part when I recive my results slip and see the points printed there. I'm really terrified. I definitely won't be able to sleep the night before. I hate reciveing this type of thing. Hate hate hate it.
Oh and congrats to Jennifer Hudson who got nominated for an Oscar. Looks like she proved Simon Cowell wrong.
Things to look forward to: 1. Grammy Awards (12th Feb) 2. CNY 3. Relatives from Aussie coming back. 4.The weekend
Yup. That's It!!
6:47 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I had a busy Saturday.
Agenda: 1. Cut Hair 2. Go for L.A.N 3. Go for Cell Group 4. Go for dinner with Colin, Martin, and Yixin. 5. Watch Movie
1. Cut Hair As usual, I went to my usual hairdresser/barber, Aunty Alice, to get my hair cut. Nothing different, just that she asked me about my Birkenstock and even tried it on. Lol. I took 70 with Na cos she wanted to go to her old workplace to get something from her boss.
The Birkenstocks was a little uncomfortable then.
Level of discomfort: 3/10
2. Go For L.A.N I met Willy at 3.15 at AMK mrt and I couldn't find raiders AGAIN. I ended asking someone for directions and found it. We played 3v3, Matthew, Willy, and I versus Sam Chew, Amos, and Ian. We ended up winning! Lol... Very fun. Must play with them again sometime.
Level of discomfort: 5/10
3. Go For Cell Group After L.A.N, we went for cell together. Cell was fine, just that I had to leave early to meet them at Orchad.
Level of discomfort: 7/10
4. Go For Dinner All 6 of us were suppose to go for dinner, but Matheus and Matthew couldn't make it, so we went to eat at Seoul Garden. Again. The Pariss seafood buffet was too expensive and too "cheena" according to Colin. Sakae was too crowded. Anyway, I HAD TO BREAK MY VEGETARIAN DIET. AAAA. Never mind. I'll just extend it for a while. Dinner was nice, a bit weird tasting so much meat after a week. It was also very hilarious and fun, chatting about JC life and all...
Level of discomfort: 9/10
5. Watch Movie We were suppose to watch "Pan's Labyrinth" at 930 but we arrived too late. We wanted to watch Night at the Museum at 11 but Colin didn't want to cos he thought it was too slapstick. We tried to persuade him to no avail so we ended up playing L.A.N. Lol. After that, the rest wanted to watch a midnight movie, but I didn't want to. Yixin was on the fence and I tried to persuade him to share a cab with me but he decided to go for the movie. Anyway, by that time,
Level of discomfort: 12/10!!!
The Birkenstocks hurt like mad. By the time I reached home and took it off, the soles of my feet were red. Really not for flat-footed people. Na says it's like that the first time. I hope it's just like that for the first few times.
Anyway, despite the different levels of discomfort yesterday, I still had a blast. Yup, hope to catch up with my friends some other time again/
12:09 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Guess what just arrived?
My Birkenstock slippers!!! Haha...
Yup I ordered them with Na and they just arrived yesterday. Can't wait to wear them out. Lol. I actually wanted red, but it was way to bright, so I settled for lime green.
Lovely aren't they? Haha...
Anyway, school is fun! Except for PE.
Had a very strenuous PE lesson yesterday. The PE teacher made us walk up and down the steps 14 times in total. The Grand Steps. Those big ones. Totally exhausting. I was so tired after the first 4 times, I nearly collapsed. Seriously. I nearly did. I started feeling very dizzy and I saw spots in front of me. Thank God Dinesh and Gerald were there to help me, pushing me on. They also specially ran slowly to help Jason complete the run. Thanks guys.
Yeah just want to shoutout to Dinesh and Gerald even though it's rather delayed. You guys are really great! Helping us through PE at the expense of yourselves. I was too tired to say thanks then.
Anyway, our class started this Angel-Mortal thing. We had that a couple of times during the church camps. Everyone has a "Mortal" whom they write special letters of encouragement to. It's totally random and annonymus, so you wouldn't know who your "Angel" is. Kinda fun.
Yes I quite bowling already, with many reasons. I felt really really bad telling the bowling pres that I decided to quit after I got selected for it. Sorry to Shijie too, hope you aren't disappointed with me. I'll have to find other CCAs to join.
One thing I really like about my class is the fact that everyone is so caring to each other, with very minimal politics. I know I've said this so many times, but I'll say it again. 1To3 rocks! Haha. For example today: Yusalina was sick, and almost everyone was helping her out, bringing her drinks, bringing her wet tissues, lending her a jacket. It's very encouraging to see everyone being so nice and caring. Keep it up, people!! Courtesy Lion would be proud of all of you! Haha...
Anyway, we're going to do the study of the book of Daniel for Cell tmr. I LOST MY BIBLE!!! I DON"T KNOW HOW, but I lost it. Sob. That Bible has been with me for 8++ years already. Since P2... I have to buy a new one... Aurgh.
Yup. That's about it!
6:14 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I got into the bowling team!
Anyway, I've decided to go vegetarian for a week or so, to see what it's like. It's really interesting, not eating meat. Today for dinner I ate just veggie and rice. Lol. It's quite fun actually. I don't feel fat after that meal haha.
Today's lessons were ok, still quite fun. History's especially interesting, and it's kinda fun to take down notes ferociously. You get to practice writing fast yet being legible at the same time. My Lit lecturer is really like this mad scientist. His hair is so frazzled and white, he speaks so loudly, and he's just bursting with energy and passion for the subject. Did I mention this isn't a bad thing? Haha. It's certainly difficult to sleep in his class.
I'm getting kinda used to JC life now. Just that our PE teacher is this ODAC (Outdoor activities I think) teacher. He's mad. He made the girls run 4km and the guys run 5km and made them stay in the pushup position and do pushups while yelling "Improve! Endure!". He also made them go up and down the steps, saying "I Love PE!"
Oh did I mention I didn't go? Haha...
Yar, heard it all from my classmates, recounting the horror of the crazed PE teacher. Also, our extremely enthusiastic class volunteered the entire class for competitive cross country. Die lah! My running SUCKS! TOTALLY SUCKS! I'll be the last one for sure. So embarrassing. I must start going on a fitness regime cos it's about time I did.
I REALLY hope that we don't get our results before CNY. Whether be it good results or not, I dont want my CNY to be ruined. So nervous about it. I definitely won't be able to sleep the night before.
Tomorrow my lessons end at 12 but I have bowling training at 4!! WAH!! 4 hours to do nothing. Someone join me in the Library! Anyone! I want to kill time.
Oh and our chinese periods are so slack! Haha...
I think I will enjoy the GP and History lectures/tutorials the most. They're the most interesting. Lit, Econs, and Maths are okay...
Oh and I read that Jennifer Hudson, who acted in Dreamgirls, won a golden globe for best supporting actress. I then read from some probably unreliable source that Beyonce is incredibly jealous of her. Read about it here.
I personally think it's just a silly rumour to defame Beyonce. Lol. Not that I'm a fan of Beyonce or anything. It just seems a little far fetched. However, for all I know, it could be true and Beyonce IS that diva-ish. Who knows.
I want to watch that movie anyway. It seems interesting. However, Singapore is so SLOW. We can only watch it in Feb I think. It's suppose to be "loosely" based on the Supremes.
I KINDA look forward to sch tomorrow. School's so much fun now. MUCH better than sec sch. I think it's cos I have a more interactive, united, fun, and not to mention small class where everyone knows each other. Sigh, too bad we will most likely split after the results come out. 1T03!!! WOO!!!
7:35 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Had bowling try-outs yesterday. Lol.
After slacking for 4 years in the CCA aspect, I decided to be more pro-active in CCA in JC. The try-outs went fine. It was quite funny actually. We were suppose to bowl normally while the coach would watch us. He told us that he would be judging us on our aim, and not just our score. The first few times that I bowled, I got quite lousy scores, but luckily he wasn't watching. Then, I got a strike! Lol, when I turned around, I saw him watching. haha. He then asked me for my name, etc etc. I hope that's a good thing. Yar, although I probably have to "audition" again if I do remain in CJ after recieving my results, I still want to get into bowling. I enjoy bowling, and I think it would be fun to be in the CCA.
I also met this guy called Brian who was from Gan En Seng, and from my dear cousin Jing Xin's class! Lol.
The lectures went quite well. We had History lecture, History Tutorial, and Econs Tutorial where we played this fun econs game about scarcity. The history syllabus looks tough! It's quite insane, the content, as well as the essay writing. However, since I'm intending to persue a career that involves a lot of writing and stuff, I might as well get used to it.
School so far has been fun, I'm enjoying JC life so far. I only hope that I will get good results for the Os and be in a class that's as good and fun as this class. My Lit lecturer looks like a mad scientist! Haha... Socialising has been great too, I'm interacting with almost everyone in my class. Like Gabriel said, the cliques have already been formed, haha...
Christina Aguilera's next single's going to be "Candyman". I really like the song, and she should have released it as her 2nd single. No matter. I hope that her 4th single will be "Oh Mother". I like that song.
Nothing else to blog about! Seeya!
1:29 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Haha... Just came back from the last day/night of orientation. Today was definitely a blast. Was too tired since Monday to blog about orientation so I'll do it now.
One thing to say: T03 ROCKS!!! Haha. I love my class. Seriously. The people are so friendly, so much fun, and great to be with. We were already chatting like crazy on the first day. Scandals also already appeared on the first day. Super funny. At first, I was a little skeptical and all about my group, like whether I could make friends or not. Thank God, really thank God it all turned out for the best. I made a good friend on the first day, Gabriel, as well as got to know some other nice people like Vignesh, Jason, Vanessa, Anne, Luo Er, Corinne, etc. (sry if I didn't mention anyone else's name, it doens't mean I don't like you!). The only person whom I knew before everything was Gerald from 3-6. I don't exactly know him very well, so I still have to get to know him better.
Anyway, we played ice breakers and had a session with our home tutors. We elected HTC (home tutorial counsellor) and AHTC (assistant), Anne and Geovenn. The first day wasn't half as fun as the other 2 days cos of whatever ice that was still present.
The second day was fun! We went to ECP for this amazing race thing and it drizzled THROUGHOUT. All of your hair(s) were perpetually wet. It was great fun. We played the toothpaste game, the hoola-hoop game, the pull-you-on-a-tire game, and the biscuit game where everyone's lips at least brushed against someone else's, although most of us were arranged according to our gender. Li Quan was very hilarious cos he holds the person's shoulder when he takes the biscuit. I was the "lucky" one to pass the biscuit to him, so it looked wrong, but very funny.
I'm kinda tired now so I think I"ll just go through the highlights of the class orientation. I think so far, the skit and the finale night were the best. (duh) OUR SKIT WON BEST SKIT!!! WOOHOO! GO T3!!! We did this skit based on our house mascot, Maple Man. My house, Aki, is actually Jap for Autumn. Our class volunteered to be in the skit, along with some other people from other classes. The skit was super funny, must commend on everyone who was SO sporting to embarrass themselves. You know who you all are. Also, cheers to Corinne and Vanessa who wrote the script. I helped and chipped in a few ideas! haha. Yeah, they slaved for a few hours writing it and all that. I was the narrator. Lol.
Well, lessons start tomorrow. Sob. I really hope that it will be interesting. All the intro lectures. Aurgh I really hope that I will do well for the O's. CJ is such a nice place, and I think I want to stay if I can. Sob, the only thing is that I will most probably be in a different class after recieving the results, if I can stay.
IG 14 outing next tuesday! Yup, looking forward to that. Oh and I kinda got hooked on to the song "Whisper For The Choir" by The Fratellis, which Shijie sent to me. Send me more of their songs! haha.
Yup, that's all. Hope that tmr will be great.
Oh and Giles, what results?
10:32 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
You took your coat off and stood in the rain You were always crazy like that I watched from my window Always felt I was outside looking in on you You were always the mysterious one with dark eyes and careless hair You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say Besides some comment on the weather Well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see This is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees These foolish games are tearing me apart Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart You're breaking my heart You were always brilliant in morning Smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee You philosophies on art, Baroque moved you You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones As I clumsily strummed my guitar You'd teach me of honest things Things that were daring, things that were clean Things that knew what an honest dollar did mean So I hid my soiled hands behind my back Somewhere along the line I must've gone off track with you Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else Somebody who gave a damn, somebody more like myself These foolish games are tearing me apart You're tearing me, tearing me, tearing me apart Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart You're breaking my heart You took off your coat and stood in the rain You were always crazy like that
Foolish Games - Jewel
9:21 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Nothing much has really happened lately. I went for cell and worship practice on saturday, and had a nice chat with Sherilyn whom I met at the bus stop on my way to thompson. She told me all about her ACJC life and how JC was a bad and good time for her.
I also managed to add all my IG mates on msn, and some on friendster. I hope to keep in contact with them even though we will be in different groups on monday. Aurgh.
I'll see my class on monday. Quite exciting. This will be my class for the next erm... 2 months or so until I collect my results.
Speaking of which. The dreaded O level results collection. AAA I think i'll be a wreck the day before. Oh well, what's done is done. Just have to face up to it.
Oh please take my quiz! I want to see what answers would be chosen haha.
Anyway, It turns out Carrie Underwood's Some Hearts is the top selling album of last year! Not bad for a newcomer.
Ok I'm just typing random stuff in seperate paragraphs. Well seriously there isn't much to blog about. There will definitely be more to blog about after monday.
So seeya!
8:07 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
Have been too tired to blog about orientation, so I'll do it now.
Day 1 - wed 03/01
The first day of JC life. Firstly, I called Colin and Matt the previous night to discuss about meeting up, and we did, at toa payoh MRT at 7. However, I was the only one who arrived at 7. Matt arrived about ten minutes later and Colin arrived quite a while later. Anyway, we took 105 to CJC. We arrived to see people wearing the same uniform all grouped together. No surprise there.
We all headed towards the auditorium where we were suppose to line up in our IGs (index groups). Colin was in 7, Matt was in 13, and I was in 14. We had assembly and stuff and got our attendance taken. Blah blah blah, soon all the IGs were led to different areas in the school and began the ice breakers. The facils for my group were Natalie, Shi Jie and Laura (sorry if I spelled your names wrongly). We played the common games like blow wind blow and the blanket game. I then realised during Blow wind blow that someone was carrying the same bag as me! AAAH! haha...
Then the person HAD to say , "Blow wind blow, blow all those with white bags". I looked around and only the guy who was carrying the same bag as me (Nigel) and I had white bags! So embarrassing. I was kinda slow and had to pasang. Anyway, the ice breakers were kinda awkward cos everyone was shy and stuff.
I can't remember what EXACTLY happened on the first day, but it was rather enjoyable. The mass dance was fun, and I finally got the song! It's Take The Lead from the movie Take The Lead. Haha. I thought it was from Step Up since it is a recent dance movie. Plus, the words "step up" are said at the start of the song. Anyway, the first day wasn't as enjoyable as the rest because of all the ice that was still present. Nevertheless, it was good. I ended up taking 156 home. It was such a long journey.
Day 2 - 04/01
The second day. I woke up at 0840. haha. Totally late. I panicked when I saw my room all illuminated when I awoke. My parents fetched me to school and I reached at 9++. Luckily I only missed the subject registration. I reached and asked a nearby facil what I missed and that I had to register my subjects. She asked me to see the VP (wasn't as bad as it sounded) who shook his finger at me when I said I overslept. It reminded me of Mr Danny Tan from Cat high when he told us how the League Of Nations reprimanded Japan for invading Manchuria. Lol.
"Bad Japan, bad Japan"
Anyway, I went to the com lab only to see none other than Aunty Lian Teen from Church! haha. I had no idea she workes in CJ. She was like, "Eh you're here ah?". We didn't chat much cos I had to go for the mass dance practice soon after. I won't give a detailed "analysis" of this day but I must say I enjoyed day 2 the MOST among all the days. I especially enjoyed the "body parts" game. My partner, Mary Anne (I think), and I got foot and knee. We were lucky. Others like the first person got head and armpit. Some others got butt and head or mouth and mouth. It was very very funny and enjoyable. The other more fun games included the tunnel game and the one where we had to spin 10 rounds. It's crazy lah that game. After the ten spins, I couldn't walk straight at all and started walking in the opposite direction. The others all had it bad too. Some fell down, others went left and nearly crashed.
Overall, day 2 was a blast. I had a really good time. Thank you facils.
Day 3 - 05/01 Today was quite ok. Very wet and messy though. IG 14 ROCKS!!! Haha... We could have won the word spelling game. Went for the CCA exhibition as well. I signed up for Fencing, Bowling, and Debate. Lol. They all look very fun. It's quite LC lah, the system. We only get to be with the IGs for 3 days, then we have to be in our classes for the rest of the orientation. What's wrong with them, really. We were just getting to know each other, then have to break apart. Aurgh. Well I made quite a few friends in the IG. Have to add them on msn soon.
Anyway, here's a shoutout to the 3 facils for my group, IG 14. YOU ALL ROCK! haha. Yup. In fact, I think all the facils for the orientation are fantastic. They're all extremely enthusiastic and fun and etc. Really great. Was really fun having them around. Especially when they all do the dance together and stuff. Really great bunch of people.
Ok, that's all for the orientation. Now, here're some hilarious Madtv parodies that I found. Laughed liked crazy.
This is a parody of Nelly Furtado's Promiscuous. The original video is here.
If you've never watched it before, watch it to see why the parody is so funny. The funniest parts are during 00:51 about the penicillin and 00:57 when "Nelly Furtado" stares at the guy blankly then starts dancing. 01:12 about the promiscuity and 01:19 about the going insane thing are also very funny.
Here's the parody of The Dixie Chicks "Not Ready To Make Nice" video. If you don't know about the controversy, here's just a little summary.
Here's the parody
The 2 women parodying Emily Robison and Martie Maguire, the other 2 members of the group, are extremely extremely funny. It's a must see.
Here's the original video:
Ok. That's about what has happened to me so far! Have a nice day!!!
8:48 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates, have been busy with other things.
Well well... The new year begins...
2006 was such a fast year for me. A blink of an eye and it passed. At the watchnight service, Pastor William talked about letting go of the past and embracing the future. That's what I intend to do. It's not forgetting your friends or all that has happened, but merely letting go of all the bad memories and things that have happened that might hinder me from enjoying this year. Thus the new blogskin. I have my own resolutions, but I don't intend to type them out here. :P
Tomorrow I enter into CJC for the first 3 months, or rather, one month. Kinda scary but exciting. I'm excited about meeting new people, although I might not see them after collecting my results. I'm excited about the new environment and the new system, but actually hope to go to a better JC, not saying that CJ isn't good.
2006 was also an eventful year for me. CHMA, O Levels, school drama, etc. So much happened and yet it went by so fast. I don't really intend to do a reflection on the year, don't really want to brood too much on it. After all, it's 2007, and it's time to go forward and not stay behind.
Haha I slept at 5 a.m last night/morning playing L.A.N with Martin and Yixin. Very crazy. We kept telling each other how it was the last night and to make full use of it. Martin said he slept at 7. Insane I tell you. I have been sleeping at 4/5 a.m for the past few days, have to get my biological clock back on track. Luckily the first three days are orientation days. No studying and all...
Anyway, as the new year begins, I hope everyone has made their resolutions and sticks with them. (we know no one does) I really have to catch up on my reading. Bring on the novels!