Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wow, haven't been blogging for a long time. Well, I'm generally in a rather happy mood today. Managed to settle some problems that have been bothering me for a long time. :)Today's teacher's day was awesome.I was rather disappointed with my performance though. Somehow, either I missed the first 2 lines of the first verse or they played it wrongly. Luckily I managed to catch it later though. While performing, almost all the sec 1-3s were all looking in the direction of the teachers who were getting the flowers! My song was so inappropriate! I had NO IDEA that they were giving flowers during my performance. Oh well, other than that, I'm thankful my vocals were fine, didn't screw that up at least. Thanks Philip for inviting me to perform though, I enjoyed it as a whole. :)After the whole concert, I rushed to give all the presents and cards to the teachers. Mr Fernandez's expression on his face was really funny. After that, the whole gang of us went to Colin's house and played games like Taboo, Bridge, Uno Stacko, etc till six thirty. Haha it was really enjoyable.Got back my E maths paper 1 results today. Rather disappointing as well... When I heard that 95% of the cohort got A1 or A2, my results didn't seem very good. Oh well I must work harder for paper 2 and my A maths.The prelims are ok so far. Still have tons of papers to complete. After that, it's full steam ahead for the Os.Song Recommendations: 1. Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man2. Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous3. Justin Timberlake - Sexyback4. Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober5. Fegie - London Bridge Yup. These are all songs that were recently(like in the recent months) released. They're all nice.That's about it! BYE.
10:15 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hmm I just realised that i haven't really blogged about my days recently....Guess i'll do it now.Well everything's really a routine nowadays.... everything's the same.Here's an insight to my day:0600-0645:Waking up and going to school.0645-0700:Sleeping on my school desk0700-0800:English lesson.0800-0940:Lessons - Revision.0940-1000:20 min break, spent either staying in the classroom eating sandwiches while doing work or going down to the student lounge and buying something to snack on.1000-1130:Lessons - Revision.1130-1200Recess (refer to 0940-1000)1200-1340/1430Lessons - Revision.Yup, that's the school day for you. The cycle repeats itself everyday. BOORING. UGH.Oh well, it's kinda expected.Anyway, about today.English Oral (O Levels)Well the english oral went rather fine. Tried to compose myself, telling myself that after CHMA, i can handle stress or anxiety. I guess it worked out fine. Reading was fine, although it think i may have put on a BIT of an accent. Oops. Oh well. The good thing is that Andre was talking very loudly when it was his turn, and i heard the conversation. *Hint.I was just invited to sing for teachers day yesterday. I was quite happy but i didn't know what song to do. I mean, the rehearsal is on saturday. I had exactly 3 days to prepare. What?Problems encountered:1. 3 days to practise2. Can't decide on a song3. Can't get the -14. Prelims next week, dont' want to spend time practising an unfamiliar song. ( I'm a perfectionist when it comes to performing :P)Solution:A song which I have done before and have the minus one for. Yup, you guessed it, My Immortal.I KNOW I KNOW IT DOESN"T FIT TEACHERS DAY AT ALL.Oh well, since some teachers enjoyed my performance i don't see why i shouldnt' do it again.It's the only rational thing to do at this point of time. Yah yah i know, i've performed it 3 times already. 1st audition, 2nd audition and CHMA night, but oh well, guess i'll let those who haven't heard me do it before hear it then. so there.Oh well, I'm gonna get some gifts for the teachers. Im going to give gifts to most of my teachers, since it IS my last year in Catholic High, sob sob. haha.Oh well, gotta go!Dont' have sch tmr! HA! it's physics prac and i don't have to go! woohoo! hahaok fine bye
10:08 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Here's a really funny song.
By Alanis Morissette.
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
(Repeat Chorus)
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think...
(Repeat Chorus)
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
8:43 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Fine, i'm copying Martin, but I'll do the quiz too... haha it looks fun,
Saturday, August 12, 2006
who last -
1. made you smile;Fellow worship teamates, today's prac was kinda funny.
2. saw you cry;Well, someone saw me ALMOST crying, won't say who.
3. went to the movies w/ you;Martin, Yixin, Matheus, Matthew, Colin (X Men 3) Can't wait for the DVD to come out!
4. talked to you on the phone;Mom
do you prefer -
1. flowers or candies;
Candies, although I don't like eating sweets, prefer chocolates. They're not as sweet
2. gray or black;
Black of course.
3. coloured or black & white photos;Coloured. Black and white adds a nice effect though.
4. lust or love;Love obviously. Encompassing all types, Family love, etc...
5. sunrise or sunset;Sunrise. Marks the start of a new day and a new beginning :)
6. M&M or skittles;Neither.
7. staying up late or waking up early;Staying up late. I detest waking up early
8. sun or moon;Sun. It's a life giver.
9. tea or coffee;Coffee! I love coffee.
10. lefty or righty;Righty
11. having 10 acquaintances or two best friends;2 best friends.
12. sunny or rainy;
Sunny. It brightens my day. I hate being stuck at a bus stop in the rain.
13. vanilla or chocolate ice-cream;Chocolate ice-cream!
answer honestly -1. do you like anyone now?Erm.... obviously.... who hates everyone?
2. smoke;Obviously not.
3. steal;Nope
4. do you believe in love at first sight?Nope. That only happens in movies and books.
about you -
1. what time issit?
11:25 p.m
2. name;Samuel Yu (I dont really like my chinese name so i won't put it here.)
3. what is your bday?WHAT is my bday? It's the day i was born... obviously. If it's WHEN, 20th Nov.
4. what do you want right this second?Good Grades.
5. where do you want to live?America! Looks exciting.
6. how many kids do you wanna have?depends.
7. do you want to get married?depends.
others -
1. do you twirl you spaghetti or cut it?neither.
2. (This is a sick question so i wont' put it)3. favourite ice cream;Hagen Daez ( is it spelled correctly? i dont' know)
4. how many cereal's in your cabinet?None
5. what's your favourite type of soda?Coke?
6. do you cook?Sometimes.
in the last month you have -1. bought something?Yah. obviously.
2. sang?YAH.
3. been hugged?Yes.
4. felt stupid?Yes.
5. missed someone?Yes.
6. danced crazy?Yes, secretly
7. gotten your hair cut?
8. cried?Not really. Sometimes crying isn't the way to let go.
9. hated anyone?For a day or 2, yar. Not anymore.
10. said i love you?Not really....
11:13 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Here're my Top 10 Fav Oldies! They're in no order of merit, as usual.
1. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire - haha, said it before but I'll say it again! Many thanks to Mr Krishnan for introducing this song. It's got a great beat to it. The lyrics are very funny too.

2.George Michael Featuring Aretha Franklin - I Know You Were Waiting For Me - Oh this a very catchy song. It's got a really nice catchy tune. Heard this song being resung on idol. American Idol of course. :P

3. Michael Jackson - Thriller - The music video for this song was what rocketed this album to become one of the best selling albums of all time, if not the best selling album of all time. Go watch the MTV on youtube if you have the time. It's very funny, and i love the part when Michael does the group dancing with the monsters. It's also an incredible song. I kept listening to it over and over again when i got the song.

4. Paula Abdul - Straight Up - It's rather obvious where I heard about this artist right? Haha well, this song has a nice rhythm to it, Simon Cowell called it the "Hit Me Baby One More Time of the 80s" and THAT"S a compliment.

5. Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - This is a classic, evergreen song. Many people would be familiar with the tune but they don't really know who the singer is. She was the 80s icon, having whacky, crazy hair ranging from yellow to pink. Unfortunately, her career dropped after the "true colours" album and hasn't regained it back yet. However, if i'm not mistake, she and some other old singers including Michael Bolton and Richard Marx are going to participate in an "American Idol Like" contest called Celebrity Duets. hmmm interesting....

6. Richard Marx - Angelia - Although Hazard a great song, i prefer this song. It's got a very nice tune to it. Richard's voice is amazing.

7. Donna Summer - Mcarthur Park - This is an interesting song, it's about a cake melting in the rain. -_-".... Haha but i'm sure it has a metaphorical meaning of some sort. Anyway, the high notes on this song sung by the amazing disco queen, Donna Summer, are insane. She couldnt' really hit them when performing on idol though. Don't blame her. Age brings about a decrease in range for her i guess. Well, the song starts out slow and builds up to a nice disco beat. Asked my parents for this CD after hearing her perform that song on idol.

8. Whitney Houston - I'm Every Woman - Although this is a cover, it is still a very very fun song to listen to, Whitney's voice is nearly flawless, the high notes awesome as usual.

9. Madonna - Holiday - This is a VERY FUN SONG! Haha, i remember listening to this at the airport during the perth trip last year. Really makes me want to go on a holiday again. Sob. However, the radio edited version isn't really very nice. The original, CD version is the best.

10. ABBA - Money, Money, Money - Haha! This is such a materialistic song! Besides the materialism and stuff, it's a great song to listen to. The tune is very catchy and I remember Matthew Fam telling me that he and his sister used to go mad while listening to this song, throwing 2 dollar notes in the air during the chorus. haha. ABBA is indeed a legend.
11:07 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
REALLY looking forward to buying Christina Aguilera's New Album, Back To Basics, out Next Monday in America, not sure if it will be out in Singapore at the same time.
Go to to hear her first single!
Haha i'm so helping to advertise.
9:26 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Hmmm saw Matt posting his poems on his blog, so i thought i'll just post some of my self-written songs. heh. Enjoy. This is one of my older songs, it was written to help me overcome a dark period of my life.
Just Let Go
Verse 1:
Why can't I seem to let go
Still holding on to them
and locking them in my mind
People and people go
leaving without a word
Chorus 1:
Oh why can't it be easier to
move on with my life
Oh why can't i toss aside the
horrid memories
I just gotta keep on walking
on this road of life
I will find the warmth
that's hidden in this cold, cruel world
I must let go
Verse 2:
I tell myself
Not to be afraid
Find your strength in God
People only use you for amusement
As a joke, as a toy
Just turn away from them
and focus on what is ahead
Repeat Chorus 1
Onward to a new beginning
A new life, a fresh start
The past cannot be changed
just learn from your mistakes
Run towards your goal
Overcome your problems, your obstacles
Don't be afraid of change
It's inevitable
Release your attachments,
break the chains,
and keep on going
Although it's not easy
to move on with my life
Although it's difficult to
toss aside the horrid memories
You just have to keep on walking
on the road of life
Soon you'll find the warmth
Admist this cold, cruel world
Just let go
Just let go
ooh just let go.
10:57 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Hmm today was an OK day. One of the only funny things that happened was when Mdm Ee pronounced "Issac" as "Ichak", which was really REALLY hilarious. Then there was english lesson, where Mrs Bala told us to write a composition. I chose "Obsession" because I could write something interesting. Haha. Wrote about a family full of obsessions and how it destroys their family. Haha, no personal attacks to anyone. Just a random story that came to mind. To anyone out there who thinks that i'm snubbing you, I'm not.
Anyway, I went to the studio for a recording after school. I actually decided to do a different song instead of "My Immortal". It's a long story, but i'll type it out anyway.
Actually, before choosing "My Immortal" for CHMA, I had this feeling that God was giving me a song to sing for CHMA. The lyrics hit me quite suddenly, but i couldn't quite get the tune. Since it was an "original composition", I couldn't use a -1. Anyway, I didin't want to play the piano and sing at the same time because my hands always tremble when i'm playing the piano in front of a large audience.
*memories of the first audition come drifting by
So, I requested for the help of Matheus Ting to play the piano for me. I asked for permission from Mr Wang and he said yes. However, there were MANY problems. First, Matheus didin't like playing chords. Secondly, our timings clashed and we couldn't really squeeze in a practise in a matter of a week. It was THAT rushed. Well, after a few practices, I told Matheus that I really couldn't do that song and so we went to the bookshop near the esplanade to get piano scores for other songs. After that, I really couldn't do it with the piano. Well i've told Matheus this already, but i'll say it again. SORRY MATHEUS. Seriously. I felt really bad backing out on him so suddenly. Oh well, thankfully Matheus didin't flare up or anything so I went ahead with My Immortal.
However, after CHMA, I felt kinda guilty for not singing a christian song and reaching out to the peoplem, but i still wanted to do My Immortal for the recording because i have always wanted to record that song.
Then, I attended yesterday's FOP. Yup, it was an amazing time and I'll blog about that in another post but yeah, i was really ministered by Don Moen's rendition of "Still". Then it struck me that i should actually dedicate this recording to God. I mean, i already got my chance to perform "My Immortal" for CHMA already, and I really enjoyed myself. Therefore, I decided to do "Still" for the recording, although i got back around 1130 and the internet was down and i could not get the chords. Then, selfish thoughts came back to me. I was like, "hmm is God telling me not to do that song?" but I told myself that that cannot be so and wrote out the lyrics myself, trying to remember what i could. Then, i remembered having the chord sheet for "still" hidden somewhere in my room. Sherilyn led that song about a month ago and I feared that it was lost. So, i searched my box of rough paper and found it! So, i quickly transposed it to F and rewrote it.
Coming back to today. The recording was KINDA fun. I played the keyboard on my own and added the strings. However, I wasn't feeling well today and couldn't really sing my best. (The high-energy worship yesterday contributed to it to i guess. :) Oh well, I sung it 3 times and realised that there were a few notes sung out of tune. However, the I didin't want to bother the I-media people by recording one more time so I told them that it was ok. I was dog tired anyway.
Well, i think the I-media people will send me the song soon. I'll listen to it then decide if i want to let others hear it or not. Heh. Little embarrassed sometimes. Kinda afraid of criticism.
"Ironic, much?" - Matheus Ting.
Oh well, going to have dinner soon, this week's kinda slacky. 2 days of studying only. AURGH i'm frustrated though. Why do they not let us wear non school attire for National Day? They did that for Chinese New Year too.... -_-" and Mr Lee told us last year that we looked so wonderful in our "home clothes". Oh well.... Still gotta attend speech day after National Day. I hope they don't bore us with long speeches although it IS
Decided to listen to something new today and found three nice songs.
Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body

Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

Hmm decided to break out of my shell and listen to new artists and stuff after chatting with Jing Cheng a few days ago. He was listening to "Lucky" by Britney Spears. Really amused by it when I saw it on msn. Sorry if i'm embarrassing you, Jing Cheng, but you DID say u listen to everything.
Oh well, i'm thankful for this week being a short week. Hope tomorrow will be a great day.
7:12 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Well, nothing special. Just going to blog about today.
Hmm the day started as usual, with english in the morning. Kinda boring... summary and all, then a briefing by Mrs Bala about the English oral. I hope it goes well for me, I'm really banking on my English results.... need to get an A1, really need to. Hmmm, got back yesterday's A Maths distinction test. Not VERY happy with the results. I passed and all but i'm not aiming for a pass. Need to get at least an A2. Oh well, at least my maths is really improving under Mdm Ee, got an A2 for the previous distincion test, so... yeah. Somehow, i need to get a distinction in both maths for the third prelim and hopfully if i do, Lee will take only the prelim 3 marks for maths and a maths.
Today was a rather boring and tame day. Only History and SS periods are more lively. Mr Krishnan's a great teacher. Really nice and fun teacher. I REALLY have to talk more to the other people in my class, have been in a group of friends and not stepping outside of it for too long. 4-10 IS a great class after all. (not saying that 3-6 (now 4-6) wasn't a good class, they're just noisy). Come to think about it, i had more friends in 3-6 last year than this year. I guess it's because 4-10 is more united as a class and everyone knows each other well after a year together. I kinda feel like an outsider, having only joined the class this year.
I have decided to do My Immortal for the recording although i'm rather sick of the song. It's a good way to remember CHMA. Besides, I've always wanted to record that song. I'm kinda into jazz music now, namely Norah Jones. It's really soothing and relaxing after all that has happened. After all the conflict that has happened, I usually just keep everything inside and use music as something to help me get through it. Of course, i always pray and seek God. Somehow, I am into songwriting as well. It's really a nice way to put all your conflicting emotions to good use. Heh. Somehow the songs i write now are all so melancholic. They're all in bits and pieces though.
Sunrise.... sunrise....
8:10 PM